Chinese and the Church

Anything related to Asia and the LDS Church

Browsing Posts tagged Chinese

Cantonese is the first non-English language spoken at General Conference. Elder Wong spoke today about Jesus healing the man with palsy and related this to the faith of members helping others. You can view the entire talk. with English voiceover, here and in Cantonese here. View the article on also on Deseret News.

Here is an article about Elder Holland’s recent visit to Taiwan, Hong Kong and other parts of Asia. Also a Deseret News Article. Watch the Video.  

The LDS Church announced a new website today specifically for Chinese member living outside of China. This website seeks to answer “Frequently Asked Questions” by PRC Church members outside China and by Church leaders who work around the world with those members.  It gives needed basic information for PRC Chinese members returning to China, […]

Here are a few books I would recommend reading if you are interested in LDS Church History in Asia. From the East: The History of the Latter-Day Saints in Asia, 1851-1996 by Lanier Britsch Unto Every Nation – Gospel Light Reaches Every Land by Donald Q. Cannon The Church encounters Asia by Spencer J Palmer Turning […]

Deseret News has a column in todays paper about the Chinese Book of Mormon. There is one small mistake in the caption for the image of the first edition. It is labeled as a “Mandarin Chinese” Book of Mormon, which is incorrect. Actually the first Edition Chinese book of Mormon was translated in Taiwan but […]

Liahona 05-11 – Liahona 05-2011 – Taiwan Site Text is not yet available on the new site, but you can watch video or listen to the talks in Mandarin. Should be up soon.

I came across this video series on YouTube. It is a history of Missionaries and the Church in Taiwan. It includes a great interview of Hu Wei-I 胡唯一。

Today I was looking through the 1974 issues of the 聖徒之聲. On page two of the September issue I found a stylized quote from the recently translated Doctrine & Covenants. The Taiwan edition was published in April of 1974. Here is a scan of that verse. “你要在一切事物上感謝主你的神” —教約59:7 This translation held through until the D&C was […]

Chinese Media

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I read an interesting article on CNN today. A famous Chinese blogger named Han Han who created magazine and tried to get it published, but had difficulty getting it through the government approval system. Article. The writer mentions two interesting things that may be of interest to those wishing to see the gospel spread throughout […]


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I enjoyed seeing the new MormonAds every month growing up in the New Era. So I thought it would be fun to put up a few from the Chinese Liahona. See all the thumbnails here. 摩門信息 Enjoy!