教義和聖約​ 20:77

1st Edition 1974
Gospel Dialogue 1965
永恆的父上帝, 我們奉祢子耶穌基督​的名, 祈求祢為所有領受此餅之人的靈魂, 祝福此​餅,並使之成​聖; ​使​他們得食之以​紀念祢子​的​身體,並​向​祢證明, ​他們​願意​​承受​祢​子​的​名,永遠記念祂,並​​遵守​祂​賜的​誡命;使​他們​因而得有祂​的​​靈,常與​他們​同在。​阿們。
It looks as the church is finally getting away from the term ShangDi (上帝). What do you think about the change?
The other change I find interesting is the move from the “祢” (ni) to the more formal “您​” (nin). Sure the original has the radical that denotes God, but the more formal “您​” seems to denote respect and love. According to one dictionary definition, 祢” means “one’s deceased father”.
I also like the change to “一直​記得​祂” “Always remember Him” from “常常記念祂” and the earlier “永遠記念祂”. “常常” didn’t seem as smooth.