Chinese and the Church

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教義和聖約​ 20:77 Current 神​啊,​永恆​的​父,​我們​奉​您​子​耶穌基督​的​名,​祈求​您​為​所有​領受​此​​餅​之​人​的​靈魂,​祝福​並​聖化​此​餅,​讓​他們​食用,​以​記得​您​子​的​身體,​並​向​您,​神​啊,​永恆​的​父,​證明​他們​願意​​承受​您​子​的​名,​一直​記得​祂,​並​​遵守​祂​賜給​他們的​誡命,​使​他們​能​一直​有​祂​的​​靈​與​他們​同在。​阿們。 1st Edition 1974 上帝,​永恆​的​父,​我們​奉​祢​子​耶穌基督​的​名,​祈求​祢​​為​所有​領受​此​​餅​之​人​的​靈魂,​祝福此​餅​並使之成​聖,​使​他們得食之,以​紀念祢子​的​身體;​並​向​祢,​上帝,​永恆​的​父,​證明​他們​願意​​承受​祢​子​的​名,​常常記念祂,​並​​遵守​祂​賜給​他們的​誡命,​使​他們​得以常有祂​的​​靈​與​他們​同在。​阿們。 Gospel Dialogue 1965 永恆的父上帝, 我們奉祢子耶穌基督​的名, 祈求祢為所有領受此餅之人的靈魂, 祝福此​餅,並使之成​聖; ​使​他們得食之以​紀念祢子​的​身體,並​向​祢證明, ​他們​願意​​承受​祢​子​的​名,永遠記念祂,並​​遵守​祂​賜的​誡命;使​他們​因而得有祂​的​​靈,常與​他們​同在。​阿們。 It looks as the church is finally getting away from the term ShangDi (上帝). What do you think about the change? The other change I find interesting is the move from the “祢” (ni) to the more formal […]

Since I have in my possession a first edition copy of the chinese Book of Mormon, I thought it might be fun to compare the original translation with the final version used until 2007 with the newest translation in use today. I thought the best scripture to start off the comparison was Moroni’s promise in Moroni 10:3-5. As this […]

Here is the 10 page section in the Culture for Missionaries entitled “History of the Church in China” Culture for Missionaries – Taiwan Hong Kong – History Here is an excerpt: In fulfillment of this prophecy, with unselfishness and love, missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have taken the good news […]

For the last 12 years or so I have collected articles and books on the relationship of the LDS (Mormon church) and the Chinese Realm. Please click on this link to read some of those articles and dedicatory prayers. I have also put together a draft of the Chinese Book of Mormon Printing Editions. Most […]